I am administering this site for Santa Fe Grassroots for Obama volunteers and friends. Now that the election is over, the topics have broadened to local community events. I encourage each of you to find your passion and make it happen by volunteering and getting others involved. If you'd like to share and spread your volunteer interests, write something up and I'll post it. Along those lines, you'll find things here now that I am personally passionate about. So please join me! My best, Gaye Pollitt

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Next discussion group: Monday, June 23, 7:00 pm

Join our policy discussion groups to learn more about Obama's position on issues. Depending upon demand, we may hold two parallel groups -- on Mondays and Thursdays.

The next group will be on Monday only, June 23.* We will discuss issues relating to the economy, fiscal policy, and seniors -- as outlined in The Blueprint for Change, Barack Obama's Plan for America. Here's the LINK: http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf

*Thursday, June 26 is cancelled. Contact Martha Romero for information about future discussion groups.