This has been a historic year and a historic primary. As we move toward the White House, we need to reach out and build bridges. Barack can't do this without you--your thoughts, your concerns, your input. Barack needs Hillary's support to win the White House, we need your support to win New Mexico. We've all been talking among ourselves and now, in Santa Fe, it's time for the GLBTQ community to share our stories, and begin to move forward. Please join us for an informal gathering to tell our stories and come together.
Tuesday, August 5th, 6:00pm, 1721 Medio St.
Snacks and beverages will be provided. RSVP to Cheri.
I am administering this site for Santa Fe Grassroots for Obama volunteers and friends. Now that the election is over, the topics have broadened to local community events. I encourage each of you to find your passion and make it happen by volunteering and getting others involved. If you'd like to share and spread your volunteer interests, write something up and I'll post it. Along those lines, you'll find things here now that I am personally passionate about. So please join me! My best, Gaye Pollitt